6 tips on writing the best CV for developers - Questers

6 tips on writing the best CV for developers

Spending time writing your CVs is definitely not the most exciting thing to do. But surely, when looking for a new job, making a little extra effort in that direction would help you stand out from the crowd and get the desired job more easily. Therefore, we asked our recruitment team to share their tips about writing the best CV. Here’s what we’ve learned:

  1. Be easy to reach

The first section of your CV should contain your name and contacts. Make sure you include email and phone number. Links to your LinkedIn and GitHub profiles are also a good idea, but only if they are up to date. Should you have a personal portfolio page, be sure to share it as well.

In this first section, it would be good to highlight the technologies you have experience with. It is advisable to list only technologies you are proficient with, as you would probably be asked about them during the interview and it won’t make a good impression if you are not able to demonstrate your competency.

  1. Add a personal touch

Adding 1-2 sentences about yourself, your strengths and professional interests, as well as why you think you are suitable for the position you are applying would show your motivation and will give a hint about your personality.

  1. Make it visually appealing

To stand out from the crowd, avoid the standard CV templates available online and try to use an alternative format. This will draw attention to your CV and make a favourable impression on the people who are going to review your profile. Make sure, however, your CV is readable and any visual elements used are not distracting the reader.

  1. Be mindful of the photo you add in your CV

Inserting a picture of yourself is not obligatory, but if you choose to include such, be mindful of the size and quality of the photo. Too large or small pictures or those with bad quality are not a good idea. Also, make sure the picture is not too casual and the background is not too distracting.

  1. Use reversed chronological order for your work experience and education

Your recent experience is more important for your new potential employer than the job you had in your freshman year at the university. The same applies to your education and qualifications. Therefore, it is a good idea to use a reversed chronological order for those two sections of your CV. Our recruiters also advise putting the section with your professional experience first.

  1. Be consistent and descriptive

Use bullet points to outline your professional background, previous jobs and internships.
In the section with your work experience, our recruiters recommend to include the following:

  • The name of your employer
  • The period you worked there
  • Your position
  • Your responsibilities and the projects you worked on. This is the most important part of your CV, so provide as many details as possible. 
  • The technology stack you have used    

Use the above structure to describe your work experience in each company you’ve worked in. Also, pay attention to the formatting – use the same order of bullet points in each job position you list, use one date format, etc. These will make your CV easy to read and comprehend.

Do the same in the section with your education. Here you could list:

  • The names of the institutions
  • The period of study
  • The qualifications you acquired.

In this section, you could also mention the courses you have taken and the languages you speak. Links to any certificates obtained will add extra points to your application.

Already have the perfectly written CV? Check out our open positions and make sure you apply.
