A day in the life of a Clojure Engineer at Funding Circle team at Questers vol.2 - Questers

A day in the life of a Clojure Engineer at Funding Circle team at Questers vol.2


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A couple of weeks ago, we shared our talk about what it’s like to be a Clojure Engineer at the Funding Circle team at Questers with our colleague Dimitar Yoldov. But we couldn’t miss the opportunity to add a different perspective and to also have a chat with his colleague Nikolay Penchev. He joined the team a year ago - right after Dimitar, and also has some interesting things to share. Read on:

What does your typical day at Funding Circle team look like?

I start by preparing my to-do list, so I don’t need to remember what I need to do and with what priority.

After that, I catch up with the team. We call these meetings “morning coffee”. It’s fun because our environment is huge and there’re always plenty of tasks. Sometimes I pick up a few small tasks at the beginning of the day. This makes me feel more productive. Sometimes if we have a production/priority issue, I debug the whole day. I love to be in “focus” mode, and in the Funding Circle team the environment allows it.

Besides, we have daily meetings and technical weeks (reserved time – usually 1 or 2 weeks every 5 weeks, when we are working on automation or some pain points around the platform). On Fridays, we have dedicated time for self-development. We also have hackathons and other activities, so it’s hard to describe a typical day.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

So many parts are great, but I guess for me it’s the implementation part.

And the most challenging?

Planning. In such a huge environment, this is my most challenging part. I adore the time when I am in focus mode without distractions. This allows me to be creative and solve problems. It also helps me develop and learn new things.

What new skills have you picked up while at Funding Circle team?

  • Around messaging systems – Kafka, RabbitMQ.
  • Around the DevOps stack – AWS, Docker and Kubernetes.
  • A little bit of Ruby.

Name the top 3 things that make Funding Circle team awesome.

I’ll go with our core values in the company:

  • “Stand together”
  • “Be open”
  • “Make it happen”
  • “Live the adventure”
  • “Think smart”

We know we grabbed your interest! Find out what are the current vacancies at the Funding Circle team and make sure to apply!