Did you try shutting it off and on again? - Questers

Did you try shutting it off and on again?


Error message

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _webform_render_mailchimp() (line 184 of /home/qstrscom/public_html/sites/all/modules/webform_mailchimp/webform_mailchimp.inc).

On the International SysAdmin Day, we are taking a moment to recognize the great work of all System administrators and to thank them for their dedication in ensuring that all of our computers, printers and servers are properly working all the time.

We all know the common belief that SysAdmins are the unfriendly people with beards and messy desks who work from the basement and rarely get out of there. But that’s just a stereotype!

The System administrator is responsible for configuring and maintaining the IT infrastructure of a company, allowing the rest of its employees to do their jobs properly. Their work usually is not visible, but it is often critical to the successful functioning of the business.

One true SysAdmin should possess a number of skills such as broad technical knowledge, determination to solve various problems, tireless patience, complex and tech-oriented thinking, strong curiosity and of course love for the good beer.

For instance, solving problems is one of the SysAdmin’s main responsibilities, so they need to have the ability to react quickly and stay calm in critical situations when for example a server is down or a colleague deletes a piece of important information.

The broad technical knowledge and constant learning are also very important for good SysAdmins because the world of technologies is constantly changing and they need to stay up-to-date with the new trends and best practices.

Patience and the ability to approach people’s request with a high level of understanding and professionalism are other essential skills for SysAdmins since they are usually working with a lot of people from different departments who may not have the same level of computer competencies as they do.

In short, the role of the SysAdmin is very important. Whenever there is a problem with the server or your computer, the System administrator is there to help. So, make sure you buy your SysAdmin a beer today and say “Thank you”.

P.S. Also, next time your computer has stopped working, try shutting it off and on again before calling your SysAdmin ;)
