Let's Celebrate Python's 32nd! - Questers

Let's Celebrate Python's 32nd!


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One of the most popular programming languages is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this year.

The story began in the late 1980s, when the Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum set out to develop a language that was both powerful and easy to use. Python was released on February 20, 1991, after two years of hard work and it quickly gained traction among developers.

This programming language can be used for everything from web development to data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Additionally, Python's clear syntax and readability make it a great choice for individuals who are new to programming, as well as experienced coders who are transitioning from other languages, such as C++ and Java.

The TIOBE Index confirmed that Python is one of the most used languages in the world in January 2023 (and there is no doubt about the fact). Additionally, The PYPL Index ranks Phyton first in the US, India, Germany, the UK and France. This rating also indicates that its usage has nearly tripled since 2010, making it the fastest-growing primary programming language.

What are the benefits of using Python?

Before moving on to the main topic, we should mention that Python is developed under an open-source licence approved by OSI, which makes it freely usable and distributable, including for commercial purposes. This licence is managed by the Python Software Foundation.

In addition, Python has a wide range of libraries and frameworks, which is one of the biggest advantages of Python. Python frameworks automate the implementation of various tasks and give developers a structure for application development. Each framework has its own collection of modules or packages that significantly reduce development time. A Python framework can be either a full-stack, a micro, or an asynchronous framework. How do these differ?

  • Full-stack Framework

A full-stack framework contains all the requirements for web development. This includes form generators, template layouts, form validation and more.

  • Micro Framework

Micro frameworks require a bit of manual work from developers. It is used for minimalistic web application development since it lacks most of the functionality that comes along with full-stack frameworks.

  • Asynchronous Framework

Asynchronous frameworks use the asyncio library to run a number of processes concurrently. They can handle a large number of concurrent connections.

Having a large library with memory management helps boost a Python developer’s productivity. As a result, developers can manage databases, documentation, web browsers; perform unit testing and other functions. Additionally, Python can be used for developing various software, such as web and desktop apps, complex calculation systems, life support management systems, Internet of Things (IoT), games and more.

Also, Python has a large open-source community, which means Pythonistas can enjoy strong peer support and helpful documentation. If you ever run into an obstacle, you can always get help from other Python developers on Python forums or at meetups. This community support can be especially helpful if Python is your first programming language.

What is the future of Python in development?

With its growing popularity, flexibility, and worldwide support, Python is set to become one of the future programming languages. The language is used in many ground breaking fields, such as creating animations for movies, developing GUI-based desktop applications, scientific and computational applications, machine learning, image processing, and graphic design applications. For example, Python's libraries and frameworks such as Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch make it easy for developers to build and train models. And, its application in industry and academia, combined with its easiness of use and power, makes it a valuable skill for any programmer should have.

According to the Stack Overflow survey, Python is continuing to grow in popularity worldwide, with many developers using it in 2021. 48% of the respondents said they work with Python. When other respondents were asked which technology they had a desire to learn, Python ranked first as the most wanted technology among developers. Also, The Bulgarian Software Industry Association reports that the language usage has been increasing in Bulgaria, showing a 24% growth between 2018 and 2019. This trend is expected to continue as more businesses adopt it for its ease of use, scalability and flexibility.

Are you exploring new job possibilities with Python? Take a look at our current hot vacancies or contact us to get more details.

Let's Celebrate Python's 32nd! | Questers


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