Why Volunteering Matters? - Questers

Why Volunteering Matters?


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Volunteering is a great way to achieve positive social change and strengthen the community with the support of its own members. Questers has recently signed up the TimeHeroes’ declaration Volunteering matters and by doing so we acknowledge the volunteering experience of our current and future employees.

By signing the declaration:

  • We share our belief that being a volunteer is a personal cause, but it also brings valuable experience and develops important skills such as responsibility, teamwork and communication skills.
  • We promise to take into account the volunteering experience when hiring people and to develop and support the volunteering culture in our company.
  • We appeal Be a volunteer”! By doing so you support a good cause and develop yourself.

A great number of our employees are already volunteering in various initiatives and are also actively supporting our Giving Programme dedicated to the cause of better Education. Through this programme we have supported organisations such as Teach for Bulgaria, Rails Girls, Coder Dojo and many more.  Having such generous and diligent people on board is extremely inspiring and we would like to recognise their volunteering efforts and great contribution to the causes we stand for as a company.

Furthermore, we are always on the look for active, mindful and talented people to join our team and not only advance their career but also strive to change things for the better. Are you one of them? Learn more about the opportunities we offer here.

TimeHeroes is the largest volunteering platform in Bulgaria that connects various social, environmental and cultural causes with people willing to support them. Since 2012, the platform has found the support of 53 000 volunteers for more than 1 750 causes across the country. TimeHeroes’ cause Volunteering matters is in line with the organization’s mission to support and develop the volunteering culture in Bulgaria.

Why Volunteering Matters? | Questers


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