Women in Tech: Dayana Karamiteva  - Questers

Women in Tech: Dayana Karamiteva


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Dayana Karamiteva
Junior CloudOps Engineer at the SpotMe team @ Questers

Gender diversity is an important matter for Questers and we have been constantly contributing to various initiatives aiming to attract more women to the IT industry. As a tech company, we are proud to have 35% female colleagues and would like to bring some of them under the spotlight and reveal what are they working on and how did they decide to pursue a career in the field of software development and engineering. We firmly believe the tech sector is not a men-only area and ladies are as good.

The first colleague we’ve had the pleasure to chat to is Dayana Karamiteva. She has recently joined the SpotMe team at Questers as Junior CloudOps Engineer and is very excited to work in such a young and collaborative team as theirs. Read what she shared with us about her career path, challenges and excitements at the workplace.

You are currently Junior CloudOps Engineer at SpotMe team at Questers. Tell us how did you get here? What was your previous educational and professional experience?

Before SpotMe, I was working at SAP for 2 years. There I had the opportunity to collaborate very closely with the managers as a Management Support, and after a year I switched to DevOps.
With regards to my education, this year I got my bachelor’s degree from Sofia University in Software Engineering.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

The tricky part of my job is trying to keep up the positive spirit and remain unruffled. But I believe that creating a strategy to overcome uncomfortable situations is part of the key to success. I am trying not to waste any opportunities just because I am afraid to take a risk or embrace a challenge.

What excites you about your work?

We are living in the era of automation and especially since AI robots are taking responsibilities over jobs. That’s why what I like the most in my current position is that we do talk a lot about automation. Automating error-prone manual efforts around deployment, provisioning, cloning, and sharing of environments frees up countless hours and this is amazing.

What do you consider your biggest achievement?

In general, I am happy that I can call myself a national DanceSport champion. I did this many years ago, but this is something that helped me a lot in becoming a fighter. I believe that efforts will always be awarded. I also believe that my biggest achievement is yet to come. Right now, my everyday blending in the team as the only woman in the Engineering team in SpotMe is really a big thing for me. By the way, we are currently looking for various engineering positions. I would be very happy if more ladies apply and join us.

Tell us more about SpotMe team and what it’s like to work in it.

SpotMe is a company with a lot of interesting and friendly people. I started working at SpotMe 7 months ago, but I can say that I found some really true friends here. It’s the enthusiasm for teamwork that I like the most, and it is a pleasure to work with each colleague and spend some time together.

How do you think more women could be attracted to the tech sector?

Women are more powerful than we can imagine because our point of view is different, and this is super important. No matter how you look at it, a more diverse workforce is better for business, especially in Tech. Do you know that only 11% of engineers in the US are women? I personally do not like this statistic.

In my opinion, more women can be attracted to the tech sector if, for example, there are more mentorship programmes dedicated to women. Sometimes women think that they lack knowledge about technologies, but maybe more campaigns and educational programmes, that can encourage them to feel more confident, will help to fill that gender gap. Another super important thing is ensuring an additional maternity programme as a benefit. This way, I think more and more women can feel their career a lot safer. Providing them with this kind of support will continue the passion of the person to progress in this career path. It is also a good idea to have a quota for women for all the position levels inside the company. This may encourage them to be more competitive and to feel overall better job satisfaction.
