Embracing the Cloud at Ocado - Questers
Ocado Technology & Questers present:
Embracing the Cloud at Ocado
17 MARCH 2016 (THURSDAY) | 18:30 – 21:30 BG TIME

Ocado’s journey into the Cloud (Tom Taylor)
Over the last 15 years Ocado has changed hugely, one of these changes has been how we have gone from hosting our own applications to using the cloud.  Tom will explain why we have changed course, where we see cloud technologies fitting into our business and where we see the future of using cloud services.

Amazon Web Services, Automation, Security, Microservices and Ocado (Chris McCarthy)
Ocado has been using Amazon Web Services for a couple of years.  Chris will describe what we have done with AWS, the tools and processes we have created, how we manage and automate security and deployments, to maintain an estate of hundreds of microservices.

Accelerating Time to Insight Using Cloud Based Analytics (Dan Nelson)
How we are using the Google cloud platform to gain faster insight into what our customers actually want - such as seasonal trends of product sales, customers likelihood of reordering, how promotions impact the sales of a product using the data we have collected over the last decade.  

Ocado, Cloud and the Future (Chris McCarthy / Tom Taylor)
With applications running in AWS, Google, and also Private Cloud infrastructures, Chris & Tom will describe how we plan to bring these together to allow Ocado to offer an automated, monitored, integrated set of platforms, to take Ocado and the Ocado Smart Platform global.

18:30 – 19:00 REGISTRATION
21:00 – 21:30 TALKS & DRINKS

Tom is a Development Manager for Cloud platforms in Ocado’s infrastructure. Tom has worked for Ocado Technology for the last 10 years starting as a developer who sat in a four degree warehouse for his first summer at Ocado, with a multi-million pound automated warehouse at his fingertips. They have subsequently trusted him with not breaking the Cloud.


Dan is Head of Data at Ocado Technology, with responsibility for building a data platform capable of capturing and storing all the data the Ocado operation creates, from web analytics and warehouse machinery moves to delivery van GPS data. His department engineers this data into business usable structures so that his data science teams can exploit this data via learning algorithms and optimisations. These ultimately drive increased customer satisfaction, increased sales, operational quality and efficiency improvements, and competitive advantage.


Chris is in charge Ocado’s Cloud Services teams, building and promoting the adoption of Amazon Web Services, and working directly with both Amazon and Google. His teams are helping pave the way from on premise Data Centres to the infinities of the Cloud. He also regularly discusses the subsequent costs with senior management.



  • DevOps Enthusiasts
  • Cloud Enthusiasts
  • Everyone who is just curious and/or a true geek
  • Everyone who is willing to know more about Ocado Technology
Embracing the Cloud at Ocado | Questers
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