Go is a great trade-off between performance and ease-of-use. Go is a compiled language and is syntactically similar to C. The programming language provides some high-level features which are common in interpreted languages, such as simple syntax and garbage-collection. Go also integrates concurrent programming concepts which is a great advantage when programming for multi-threaded, multi-core platforms.
During the talk our colleagues Vladislav and Ivan will show you examples of how Go compares to some other languages in terms of both code structure and performance. You will hear a bit about the general philosophy of the language and what sets it apart from other programming languages.
Go makes its' way as the server language of the future and you'll be able to see how it manages to do that in a modern production grade infrastructure with focus on performance and scalability.
The Go gopher was designed by Renee French. (http://reneefrench.blogspot.com/). Image source: https://golang.org/doc/gopher/
18:30 – 19:00 | RECEPTION |
19:00 – 21:00 | PRESENTATIONS |
21:00 – 21:30 | TALKS & DRINKS |
VLADISLAV MITOV Vladislav is a Тech Lead Software Developer at MIRACL and has been part of team for more than 4 years now. Vladi has a lot of experience with designing and building complex web solutions and is not willing to compromise with quality. As a long-term gopher he wants to spread the love of Go |
IVAN TODINOV Ivan is a senior engineer at MIRACL. He has experience with various web technologies and is passionate about learning new things. His latest love is Go and its application in scalable, robust web services. |
Software Engineers & Developers keen to learn more about Go
Everyone who is just curious and/or a true geek
Everyone who is willing to know more about MIRACL