Machine Learning @ Ocado Technology - Questers

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Machine Learning @ Ocado Technology
13 SEPTEMBER (WEDNESDAY) | 18:30 – 21:30 BG TIME
betahаus (56-58 Krum Popov str., Innovation space)

Data Science

Ocado is generating, storing and processing terabytes of data every day. During his talk Milen Chechev will share how they handle such amounts of data and what tools they use for data analysis and machine learning. In the practical session he will share how they are using Google Cloud Platform, Datalab and TensorFlow on interesting problems involving autonomous vehicles and system control in Ocado’s smart platform.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Deep reinforcement learning is earning growing popularity for problems in robotics, autonomous vehicle, drone and factory control, marketing and sales automation, and dialogue systems. One of the recent milestones in artificial intelligence and machine learning research is the development of AlphaGo, a deep reinforcement learning algorithm by Google DeepMind, that managed to beat several top-ranked human players in the Chinese game of Go. In this talk Ivaylo Popov will delve into the reinforcement learning theory and go through several recent algorithms and their applications. He will also look at how reinforcement learning can be applied to improve Ocado’s smart platform.

18:30 – 19:00 RECEPTION
21:00 – 21:30 TALKS & DRINKS


Milen is a Senior Data Scientist with PhD at Recommender Systems. He has been an assistant professor at Sofia University more than 7 years where he has taught: Recommender Systems, Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Artificial Intelligence. In the past he has worked at on the optimisation of the supplied chain problems where for the first time he faced the real big data problems, after that at Adcash Ltd. he has established the data science department for optimisation of online advertisements. Now together with Ivaylo Popov Milen is developing a data science research team at the Sofia's office of Ocado Technology



Ivaylo is Senior Research Data Scientist at Ocado Technology’s team at Questers and is currently working on various research projects related to the autonomous bots at Ocado’s warehouses, applying NLP in Ordering Chatbot, etc.

He has worked for Google DeepMind – a company researching the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and responsible for the development of AlphaGo – the first computer software to defeat a professional human Go player, and WaveNets – a deep generative model of raw audio waveforms which generates human speech.

At Google DeepMind Ivaylo was developing algorithms for manipulating objects with robotic arm and was leading a research about efficient data usage for reinforcement learning algorithms.

Before devoting himself to the AI technologies Ivaylo has worked with American and German hedge funds and has experience in the J.P.Morgan investment bank.


  • AI, Data Science and Machine learning enthusiasts
  • Everyone who is just curious and/or a true geek
  • Everyone who is willing to know more about Ocado Technology



betahаus (56-58 Krum Popov str., Innovation space)