Helping Bulgarian IT Community Grow

In order to attract new talent to the technology sector and to help them find their passion for coding, we’ve supported a variety of tech events in the last quarter of the year.



In the weekend on 22nd and 23rd of October Vratsa was coding. The workshop was organised by Vratsa Software with the support of Questers as part of the European CodeWeek. The local event gathered more than 200 people and provided them with basic knowledge and interesting practical exercises on programming.




This weekend seminar is one of our favourite events which we are supporting for a 3rd consecutive year. The workshop’s aim is to open up technology and make it more approachable for women. More than 100 girls and 50 mentors were involved in this year’s activities in the last weekend of October.


In November and December we have hosted two more workshops in our brand new qClub aiming at motivating more people to get involved with technology and programming.



On November 12 we had the pleasure to host the first ever Django Girls workshop for Bulgaria in our brand new office. As a result, more than 30 young women took part in the event and developed their first software applications using Python, Django, HTML and CSS. Django Girls is an international non-profit movement that supports the organisation of free programming workshops for women around the world and the creation of open source online tutorials. Since 2014 more than 7700 young women have taken part in the DjangoGirls events around the world.




Later on, on December the 10th we celebrated the Hour of Code by hosting a Coder Dojo workshop for children. Almost 40 kids were involved in the activities in order to learn how to code and develop their first game application in an informal, creative and social environment. Coder Dojo is a non-governmental organisation which is aiming to involve the children from their earliest age into the world of technology, through interactive activities. The CoderDojo movement believes an understanding of programming languages is increasingly important in the modern world and it’s both better and easier to learn these skills early, so everyone should be given the opportunity to do so.


Helping Bulgarian IT Community Grow | Questers


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