Language Evolution in C# and Java

The first part of the seminar C# for Java Developers showed to Java Developers how the C# has evolved after the Java copy/paste in 2001. Guest Lecturer was Nayden Gochev (Team Leader @ Telerik) who has more than 10 years of IT experience including JavaSE, JavaEE, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Eclipse, Maven, Ant, etc. He is part of Open Fest Plovdiv and since 2006 has been a professional lecturer on What to do with Java Swing/JOGL/Java2D.


The second part of the seminar was concentrated on Lambda Expressions which is probably the most discussed recent change in Java functionalities. Loved by some and hated by others, yet needed and therefore a relevant topic. Some restrictions were observed and discussed and we tried to compare it with other languages. And eventually some general models of the functional coding on Java lambdas were demonstrated and discussed. Lector of this intriguing part was our colleague Vasil Dichev (Scala Developer @ Sentiment Metrics) - developer, consultant and lecturer with more than 15 years of experience working with J2EE and recently with Spring, Hibernate and XSLT. Vasil is also keen on experiments with Aspect-oriented programming and dynamic languages like Ruby and Python.

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Language Evolution in C# and Java | Questers


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