Giving Help Together


Touched by the tragedy of the floods in northwest Bulgaria and the fate of our compatriots in the town of Miziya we have launched a donation campaign in support of the victims. We were collecting products of first necessity and cash to purchase fresh water on site. All donations amounting to 225 BGN were delivered to the major of the village of Krushovitsa in the affected region. We wish to say a big thank you to all of you who contributed and wish to remind you that no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Further to our Charity program focused on child care and education, in August we became part of the charity initiative ‘’Donate a Book’’ in support of children without parental care. We ask everyone to contribute to the ongoing campaign by giving books (old or new) on the dedicated bookshelf in qClub. All collected books will be regularly delivered to Child Care Facilities. “Donate a book” is an initiative that started almost 3 years ago and has been a registered NGO since 2012. “Donate a book” is a group of volunteers that gather books (either at home or at their workplace) and donates them 

to the orphanages in Bulgaria in the end of each month. So far they have been in more than 20 orphanages, have donated more than 7,000 books. They also take regularly new volunteers to the orphanages – to meet and become friends with the children.


Questers continues its long-term support in favour of the National Children University hospital. As our tradition goes, the amount donated by you through the charity vouchers from the Social Program has been doubled by Questers. The donation which amounts to 2000 BGN will support the purchase of modern and high-tech medical equipment for the hospital‘s Neonatal unit - 2 thermal beds for premature babies. Premature infants are patients at the highest risk and the appropriate care for them from the very first days can save lives. The Neonatal unit is the only specialized national center for diagnostics and treatment of premature children from all over the country. The total price of the two beds is 40,000 BGN, but the value of life is priceless!

This is our quarterly newsletter. For all the issues click here.

Giving Help Together | Questers


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