People and well-being

Sports & Hobbies

To keep the sport spirit high in addition to the strong Football club we are very proud of we are glad to announce the opening of two more Sport clubs - a Running Club for the race enthusiasts and a Table Tennis Club for the lovers of this sport. The kick-off of the Table Tennis Club was on 18 September when Questers provided a tennis table for the first players and their spectators. We are glad to share Questers is going to regularly reserve tables during out of office hours for games and competitions at Ping-Pong Club Paradise, an indoor sports and entertainment facility. Please confirm your participation in advance at [email protected].

To stay fit and in shape we wish to remind you about the opportunity to request a fitness card for 8 visits per month as part of our social programme. Flais fitness center is located just a minute away from the office and in order not to be alone in the quest of gaining strength we offer you the possibility to request an additional card for a friend or relative.

This is our quarterly newsletter. For all the issues click here.

People and well-being | Questers


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