
The first of a kind pub quiz for people in the IT industry is a fact! On March, 16th with our support and active involvement, Teach for Bulgaria organised QuizIT – a bigger, harder and funnier event, inspired by the two editions of our internal Charity Pub Quiz.

As always there were hard and curious questions, awesome prizes and a great atmosphere. The event gathered more than 80 professionals from the IT sector and raised 1500 BGN in support of the cause of equal access to quality education. In addition, another 2000 BGN were donated by Questers and the whole amount of 3500 BGN will be used to cover the monthly pay of one Teach for Bulgaria’s teacher for seven months.

Congratulations to our team “Наздраве” who won the first place and to the two other Questers teams who finished in the top 5.

This is our quarterly newsletter. For all the issues click here.

QuizIT | Questers


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