Questers Tech Meet Ups

Presenting Critical Data Using Scala & JavaScript

scala.jpg In May we once again organised an exciting Tech MeetUp. Its focus was the reporting platform our partners from Ocado Technology are developing. Our special guests, Steven Payling and Ben Murray, shared some interesting insights about the challenges they’ve faced while developing software to control and manage an automated warehouse.


Scala 101 Training

scala101.jpg In June we organised the first of a kind Scala 101 training and it was a huge success. Our Scala gurus Vassil Dichev and Daniel Zhelezarski from Ocado Technology team inspired the attendees with their passion about Scala and presented some of the most common language features.


An Agile Journey: Using Mobile Technology and Cloud Native Architecture to Enable Online Retail

agile-journey.jpg At Ocado they take Agile seriously. Their product development process is a continuous cycle of discovery sessions with their users, coding, deploying and getting feedback. That is why we’ve organised another Tech MeetUp where Zhorzh Raychev and Aurelio Sanchiz shared some of the challenges they had and how they solved them while implementing an in-store picking solution.


This is our quarterly newsletter. For all the issues click here.

Questers Tech Meet Ups | Questers


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