Step into the Spotlight: Ivaylo and Valentin

Ivaylo and Valentin from the News UK team @Questers

This time not one but two of our colleagues are under the spotlight. Meet Ivaylo and Valentin from the News UK team @Questers.

Use one word to describe yourself

V: Learner. Always learning and growing. And if/when you fail, learn from it and stand up.
I: Smiling.

As a child what did you want to become when you grow up?

V: I’ve played football for my hometown team “Bdin Vidin” as a goalkeeper for 6 years. So, I’ve always wanted to be a football player.
I: Batman ;)

Which was your favourite subject in school?

V: Mathematics, for sure! That is why I’ve continued my education at Sofia University, and now I’m working as a software engineer.
I: Maths.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

V: Learning new stuff. I am a co-founder of a Bulgarian start-up, so I need to work on both places. It’s fun! Of course, the best thing is to be next to my family, friends and my dog.
I: Spending time with family. Enjoy the long walks with my Jack Russel terrier as well.

If you had the opportunity to have dinner with a famous person who would he/ she be?

V: Thierry Henry, my biggest idol from my childhood. Fantastic football player with great personality.
I: Michael Jordan - the one and the only!

Share a favourite quote/thought of yours.

V: “Winners are not people who never fail, they’re people who never quit!”
I: “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken!”

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Step into the Spotlight: Ivaylo and Valentin | Questers


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