qClub – The Place for our Weekly Relaxing Thursdays and more

In the beginning of 2013 we opened together our lounge area qClub – the place for our weekly Relaxing Thursdays, daily lunch & coffee breaks and fun. Let’s make it a party place in 2014! Everyone is welcome to organize personal events & parties even at weekends. For more info – check at the bar.

Although memories are blurred, let’s all remember some parties that took place in 2013 and let’s hope together we make them even more and better in 2014 – St. Valentine’s Party, 8th of March Party, the Hot Summer Party. In the end of October we had our first Halloween Charity Party highlighting again the goodwill & generosity.

Thank you all! We are determined to repeat it this year with even more serious punch. The year ended with the great performance of Nora in the five star hotel “St. Ivan Rilski” in Bansko on the Christmas Party. So, we proved together that friendly atmosphere, 100 people, free drinks and a common place to share can create really good memories even though blurred. The bar is raised for the forthcoming events!

Thank you for being part of all these events during the past year and wish you all even more happy occasions to celebrate in 2014!

qClub – The Place for our Weekly Relaxing Thursdays and more | Questers


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