(Video) News UK’s superstar team at Questers

“The world deserves to read the code that you write”
Jeremy Burns, News UK

News UK - the group behind some of the most powerful media brands in the English-speaking world, has chosen Questers to be its trusted partner in setting up the company’s Bulgarian software development division. As soon as we’ve started our collaboration with NewsUK, we were fascinated by the way they operate. As we are building together their team in Sofia to help the company create “the best digital news experience for the readers of The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun Newspapers”, we would like to share with you the thoughts of the first team members - Valentin and Ivaylo, and their manager Jeremy Burns.

Watch the video below and find out what is it like to work at News UK team at Questers, what are the projects they are working on and the technology stack they are using.

Wanna join this super star team and let the world “read the code that you write”? Apply here.

(Video) News UK’s superstar team at Questers | Questers


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