Being a team player and a good professional are the two most important qualities for us - Questers

Being a team player and a good professional are the two most important qualities for us


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Penko Ivanov, Department Manager
Bosch Software Innovations Bulgaria

As a Department Manager at Bosch Software Innovations, how did you come into this position? What was your educational and professional background before joining the company?

I have been working in this company for more than 15 years. During this time, I participated in various different projects and teams with a large diversity of customer use cases and different technological areas. This gave me a wide skillset for mentoring and coaching projects and teams for diverse customers and areas of application.

I graduated from my Master’s programme in Informatics at Sofia University and shortly after that did my PhD in the same area. I am professionally working in software development already for more than 20 years.

You have been with the company for quite a long time, what keeps you here?

The company is stable and has many different customers and interesting projects. My colleagues are great professionals with exceptional professional expertise and work ethics. Our new office is a great and nice place for feeling comfortable and giving our best in the quality services and products that we deliver.

Your department is currently working on some quite interesting projects. Can you share some details?

Currently the hottest topics for us are the Remote Software and Firmware update for different kind of vehicles and vehicle telemetry. Using software update mechanism, we can now update whole fleets with different software – starting from navigation maps, down to the firmware of the vehicle ECUs. Telemetry gathering and analysis provide a very large field for analysis and applications. The most interesting ones are preventive diagnose and predictive maintenance.

What’s the technology stack behind?

We are mostly developing in Java with technologies like Spring Boot, OSGi and CXF. All our projects are based on the Bosh IoT Suite Product stack including Bosch IoT Gateway Software and Bosch IoT Remote Manager, as well as Bosch IoT Rollouts and Bosch IoT Insights.

How many people are you looking to take onboard in the next 6 months?

The number of projects increase year after year and most probably, we will be in a constant search of quality professionals at least for the next couple of years. For example, we can accommodate between 2 and 5 people in our department just for the next year.

What’s the ideal candidate’s profile for your department?

The two most important qualities for us are being a team player and being a good professional. Of course, motivation and learning potentials are considered as common prerequisites for any good professional. There are so many aspects you have to learn in every next project that bring more and more value into your background for the upcoming challenges.

Meet Penko and learn more details about the projects his team is working on by joining our Tech MeetUp Internet of Things – Innovations of Tomorrow on December 11.

Being a team player and a good professional are the two most important qualities for us | Questers


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