We believe that our colleagues can achieve anything with the right soft skills & willingness to learn  - Questers

We believe that our colleagues can achieve anything with the right soft skills & willingness to learn


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Petar Lalov, Department Manager
Bosch Software Innovations Bulgaria

As a Department Manager at Bosch Software Innovations, how did you come into this position? What was your educational and professional background before joining the company?

I have always been passionate about technologies. As a teenager, I started exploring microelectronics and microcontrollers and continued with Computer Science at the Technical University in Sofia. Meanwhile, I started my professional career as an embedded software developer. During my Military service, I identified that I possess strong interpersonal skills such as communication, team motivation and problem solving. Consequently, a logical step for me was to do a MBA in Sofia University and move into management roles.

You’ve worked in the company before, what made you come back?

The opportunity to create the Energy team from scratch and work with the Enterprise tech stack.

Your department is currently working on some quite interesting projects, can you share some details?

We are developing products for the German Energy sector. Our products’ goal is to automate the electrical energy measurement collecting process. As an addition to the data gathering processes, we do ML to optimize energy cost and use more green power.

What’s the technology stack behind?

  • Java 8
  • Spring
  • Kafka
  • ExtJS
  • Oracle and MySQL
  • And all infrastructure necessary to automate and write good code

How many people are you looking to take onboard in the next 6 months?

We are looking for 8 Java developers eager to create and improve our products.

What’s the ideal candidate’s profile for your department?

Our department is shaped by good team spirit and cooperation. We believe that our colleagues can achieve anything with the right amount of soft skills and willingness to learn. Of course, tech skills are mandatory and currently we are looking for cloud technology stack with Java.

Meet Petar and learn more details about the projects his team is working on by joining our Tech MeetUp Internet of Things – Innovations of Tomorrow on December 11.

We believe that our colleagues can achieve anything with the right soft skills & willingness to learn | Questers


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