Questers’ Third Tech Meet Up Outlined The Evolution of C# and Java - Questers

Questers’ Third Tech Meet Up Outlined The Evolution of C# and Java


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19 Apr 2014

“Evolution in C# and Java programming languages” was the main topic of the seminar, which took place on March 11th 2014 at Questers’ qClub in Sofia. Our third Tech Meet Up once again revealed innovative know-how, presented by experienced experts in different areas of the technologies.

Naiden Gochev, C# and Java Expert

Main lectors of the seminar were Nayden Gochev – team lead at Telerik and expert in JavaSE, JavaEE, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Eclipse, Maven, Ant and others, and Vasil Dichev – developer, consultant and teacher with extensive interest in work with J2EE, Spring, Hibernate and Scala. The participants of the seminar had the possibility to discuss the newest trends in development and application of C# and JAVA languages with the experts. More than 50 people met to share experience and knowledge at qClub - Quester’s place for seminars and meetings in its Sofia office.

Presentations and video from the seminar are available at our website and everyone is encouraged to follow up with our speakers, no matter if they were able to attend or not.

Vassil Dichev, Java & Scala Expert

All seminars from the “Tech Meet Ups” series are open to the public and have turned into a discussion platform not only for enthusiasts, but also for anyone interested in the matter and with the vigor to learn the newest trends from leading experts.

Questers’ Third Tech Meet Up Outlined The Evolution of C# and Java | Questers


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