Welcome to MagenTys in Sofia - Questers

Welcome to MagenTys in Sofia


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23 Mar 2015

All of the Questers Team is proud to welcome MagenTys to Bulgaria and partner with another fast growing UK (and Australia) based organisation to help them build their own team AsONE in Sofia.

MagenTys help Retailers, Digital Agencies, Government Agencies and Financial Institutions improve software testing through Innovation, Automation, Thought Leadership and Expertise across the UK and Australia. MagenTys has undergone a huge transformation over the past 12 months, moving away from the ‘Old School’ way of testing and moving into the digital space embracing innovation and Open Source technology.

MagenTys currently works with an experienced team of 30+ Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Engineers who have successfully delivered testing solutions for enterprise Data Warehouses and ERP's through to eCommerce and mobile applications for clients such as Marks & Spencer, Legal & General, Missguided, Bank of America, Thorntons, DWP (Government), Ustwo and many more.

Today, Liam McDowell, Director - Solutions & Services at MagenTys commented on this new collaboration, saying that ‘’2014 was MagenTys’ best ever year in terms of revenue and have doubled the size of the company every year for the past 3 years. 2015 has started off even better and the opening of our Sofia office is an exciting chapter in our growth plan. The Sofia office will start small with MagenTys co-located with one of their key partners (Questers) who share a similar culture and the plan is to build the team with exceptional automation engineers who have an interest in digital and retail technologies.’’

We look forward to this new collaboration and working with MagenTys to help them write new chapters in their successful business story.

Welcome to MagenTys in Sofia | Questers


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