Being a TOP ICT Employer - Questers

Being a TOP ICT Employer


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Receiving for the second time the Top ICT employer award, based on an anonymous survey among the industry, once more proves our consistent approach and is a recognition for our efforts.

Questers has always been a collaboration platform, creating opportunities for both engineers and clients. The mutual respect, the long-term strategy and commitment is what brings such awards and ultimately delivers results for all stakeholders. For 10 years now, we enable all this to happen - dozens of clients to achieve their goals and nearly thousand engineers to build meaningful global careers.

As a company we will continue to reinvent our seamless and transparent model, helping organizations to grow and fully integrate expert teams and at the same time - remain dedicated to all our initiatives developing the tech talent pool in Bulgaria.

Alexander Drangajov, CEO

Being a TOP ICT Employer | Questers


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