The importance of HR within the Dedicated Тeam model - Questers

The importance of HR within the Dedicated Тeam model


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One of the biggest advantages of the Dedicated Team model is that businesses which decide to expand their capacity in a different location can benefit from the support and guidance of a local service provider in the process of setting up, growing and managing their remote team.

An important aspect of this model is the management of human resources and the opportunity to take advantage of the expertise of local professionals. Here are 4 reasons why:

Legal expertise and administrative support

Whether you choose a nearshore country or a more distant one for your dedicated team, most probably there would be some differences in the legislation with the country of your headquarters. Dealing with all legal matters on your own may be very time-consuming and could increase the risk of making a mistake.

Usually, the service providers who build Dedicated Teams offer designated HR specialists who have the legal expertise and take care of all procedures related to the set-up of your new team. Should you have chosen a reliable partner, you won’t have to worry about local regulations, labour requirements and contract arrangements and signing.

Furthermore, once you have your first hired person at the new location, the Human Resources team would take care of the subsequent HR matters. Depending on your contract, they may include payroll, vacation and sick leave administration, business travel arrangements and accommodation, social benefits programme management and others.

Performance management

A key factor for the successful operation of your remote team is its performance management. And although in the Dedicated Team model, the responsibility to technically manage and thus to evaluate how your remote employees are performing lays with you, the HR specialist could play a vital role in this process. Besides supporting you by facilitating procedures such as annual reviews and promotions, satisfaction surveys and face-to-face meetings, a local HR specialist could help you with properly communicating negative (and positive) feedback, executing performance improvement plans, etc.

Knowledge of the local culture

In some regions, people are known to be more emotional and expressive while in others - more discreet and reserved. The cultural specifics have an impact on people’s beliefs, values and behaviour and also on their work attitude and habits. And while the borders in the business world are constantly fading away and we are used to work with people from different parts of the world, the cultural differences, may still sometimes lead to misunderstandings and difficult situations.

The cultural awareness is especially important when trying to build long-term and effective offshore operations and therefore having native experts on your side could be very valuable. Their knowledge of local talent allows them to advise and guide you in the process of managing your team and communicating your company’s internal strategy and message.

Employees’ Engagement

Having your remote employees engaged with their work and teammates is crucial for the successful operation of your dedicated team. And while you and your internal HR people need to be actively involved in the process of integrating your remote team into the company’s culture, the local HR experts could help you in building a domestic team spirit and further increase the engagement of your remote employees.

One of the reasons is that they know better the local culture, what usually motivates people and which are the good practices that give results. This allows them to organize various engagement activities in accordance to your employees’ values and desires. And second, they usually work in the same office with your remote employees and have more frequent face-to-face interaction with them. That helps them to closely observe their behaviour and better understand their needs.

Are you looking for a reliable partner to help you build and grow your remote team? Companies such as News UK, Dow Jones, Accenture and Logitech have trusted Questers to set up and manage their dedicated teams. Check out some of their successful stories and don’t hesitate to contact us.

The importance of HR within the Dedicated Тeam model | Questers


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