Questers have always been my primary career choice - Questers

Questers have always been my primary career choice


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Atanas Dragolov, Senior Front-end Developer

Morar Consulting Team @ Questers

What do you like about working at Questers?

I have been working with the Questers team for the last 8 years and I’ve not been tempted by other companies despite there being a high demand for developers in Sofia. This goes without saying that Questers do value my expertise and are great at making sure I’m using my skills and qualities to my best advantage and are excellent at finding the best fit for my professional development. This is why they have always been my primary career choice.

How do Questers keep you motivated and engaged?

I think engagement and the correct incentives results in high motivation In that respect, I feel constantly engaged in all kinds of social activities such as Lunch-With-The-Geeks and there are regular team building events. The teams are usually composed of people that are both smart and collaborative, so working together is a pleasure. The competitive salary, social benefits and retention policy bring additional comfort, so I can be focused and motivated on the important things.

How do you think Questers has supported your career?

The close proximity to a highly diverse teams and people always keeps my edge sharp and Questers have always provided a stable and collaborative working environment. Questers continually improve the overall skills of their employees by identifying the correct training structure for both, technology and soft skills.

What are your favourite parts of your job?

I really like the fact that I have always been a part of both, business and technology diverse teams. This helps me in developing a competitive, T-shaped professional profile.

What would you like to do in the future? / what are your future aspirations? 

In my opinion, the IT sector is already undergoing a fundamental shift. It permeates so many business areas and it changes them so radically that the core problems solved by  IT are always changing. The software economy is moving so fast that it becomes difficult, even for experienced and motivated professionals, to catch up with all moving parts. My personal aims are to keep momentum and even "lead" futurer technology and business developments.

Questers have always been my primary career choice | Questers


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